
OSKKO na Seminarium  ETUCE (The European Trade Union Committee for Education)

ETUCE Regional Seminar

Towards a European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education

Ljubljana, 15 November 2006

Lubliana, Słowenia, 15 listopada 2006r

15 listopada 2006r przedstawiciel OSKKO, Marek Pleśniar, weźmie udział w seminarium przedstawicieli związków zawodowych, ministerstw edukacji oraz pracodawców oświatowych w Lublianie.

ETUCE represents 102 teachers’ unions in all EU/EFTA countries and 14 teachers’ unions in the EU candidate and acceding countries. Over the past years, ETUCE has undertaken several Euro-level projects to strengthen social dialogue in the education sector at both national and European level.

(ETUCE reprezentuje 102 związki zawodowe oświaty w EFTA oraz 14 ZZ w krajach wstępujących do Unii Europejskiej.)

Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Kadry Kierowniczej Oświaty reprezentuje polskich dyrektorów szkół i placówek oświatowych oraz inne osoby zaangażowane w zarządzanie oświata jak pracownicy samorządów, kuratoriów i szkolnych liderów.
OSKKO represents Polish headteachers, representatives of local government and other persons involved in management in education.

The aim of the seminar is to discuss and confirm the opportunity for employers within the education sector to be represented at European level and to participate in a sectoral social dialogue as others public or Para-public sectors currently do. In this perspective, a high level representative from the European organisation for public employers’, CEEP, will contribute to the seminar. 

Important steps in the process towards a sectoral social dialogue for education at EU level have been made with the holding of two conferences gathering representatives from employers and teachers unions in March and May 2006, following the publication in 2005 of a large European study carried out by ETUCE and academic partners on the status of social dialogue in our sector. The regional seminar on 15 November is organised in the context of this successful dynamics. 

As a basis for discussions, the seminar features presentation of the main findings of the ETUCE Euro-level survey on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education, carried out among ETUCE member organisations in the beginning of 2006.  

The regional seminar on 15 November is the third of seven regional seminars that ETUCE will organise throughout the EU/EFTA and EU candidate countries during the autumn 2006 and spring 2007, with each seminar grouping 3-5 countries for joint discussions among teachers’ unions and employer organisations.

OSKKO jest na spotkaniu jedynym reprezentantem polskiej kadry  kierowniczej oświaty w Polsce. Poza tym uczestniczą przedstawiciele organizacji samorządowych.

Z Polski zaproszono następujące osoby:

To the attention of representatives of education employers in Poland
Prof. Michal Sewerynski,
Minister of Science and Higher Education, Poland  
Mr. Sulowski Pawel,
Director, Ministry of National Education, Poland 
Mr Marek Plesniar,
Director of the Head Office of the Polish Principles' Association 
Mr. Andrzej Porawski
Executive Director, Association of Cities 
Mr. Mariusz Poznanski
President, Union of Rural Communes of the Republic of Poland
Mr. Rudolf Borusiewicz
Secretary General, Union of Polish Counties.
Dear Sir, 
Please find attached an invitation to the ETUCE seminar "Towards a European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education" on 15 November 2006 in Kranj, Slovenia. 
Please be informed that while the standard setting for the ETUCE regional seminars on social dialogue provides for 3 representatives of employers per country, ETUCE has for this seminar extended the invitation to welcome 6 representatives of education employers from Poland. 

The ETUCE secretariat

CC: ETUCE member organisations in Poland

Annemarie Falktoft
Policy Coordinator
European Trade Union Committee for Education, ETUCE

Plan seminarium:

09.00h – 9.30h             Registration


09.30h – 09.45h            Opening of seminar


09.45h – 10.30h            Overview of the European Social Dialogue and the European Sectoral Social Dialogue

                                      By Martin Rømer, ETUCE Secretary General


10.30h – 11.00h            Coffee break


11.00h – 11.45h            European Sectoral Social Dialogue in education:

- players in the field

- expectations and scope.

                                      By Charles Nolda (CEEP) and Martin Rømer (ETUCE)


11.45h – 12.15h            Questions and debate in plenary


12.15h – 13.45h            Lunch         


13.45h – 15.40h            Working group discussions: European social dialogue and implications at national level


15.40h – 16.10h            Coffee break


16.10h – 17.00h            Reports from working groups and open debate


17.00h – 17.15h            Conclusions and follow-up


19.00h                         Dinner

Materiały seminaryjne:

annex to the SD II report

Building a Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education


draft programme LJUBLJANA 15 nov _EN

ETUCE note_social dialogue_ENG

SD II survey report - final - 6 oct - for regional seminars
